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The Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences started as a form of an Institute of Accounting and Taxes in 1990/91. The national institutes located in Guelma were transformed into the university center by virtue of Executive Decree No. 92/299 of 07/07/1992, which received in that season 114 students supervised by 07 permanent professor.

The Establishment of the Faculty of Economic, Commercial,and Management Sciences:

The establishment of the Faculty is due to Executive Decree No. 01-273 of 18 September 2001, amended and supplemented. Which includes the establishment of the University of Guelma and its three faculties, the Faculty of Economic, Commercial, and Management Sciences consists of a common trunk, and three departments which  are ; the Department of Economic Sciences, The Department of Management Sciences and the Department of Commercial Science. In this faculty there are 1996 students supervised by 121 permanent professors, 39 contracted professors, 02 Associate Professor, and 88 employees and contractors.

The Faculty offers a distinguished training in the various specialties of Economics, Commercial, and Management Sciences. The number of these courses reached 18 speciality, divided into studies in the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.

Definition of Faculty:

Article 22 of the Joint Ministerial Decision of August 24, 2004, which contains the administrative organization of the university, faculty and institute, defines the faculty as a unit of education and research in the field of science and knowledge. It is multidisciplinary and can be established when necessary on the basis of a major specialization.

The Basic functions of the Faculty:

The main functions of the Faculty in the field of higher education are:

- Forming the necessary frameworks for the economic, social and cultural development of the country.

- Teaching students the research methods and promotion of training research for research.

- Contribute to the production, generalized dissemination of science and knowledge and its collection and development.

- Participation in continuous training.

The main functions of the Faculty in the field of scientific research and technological development are:

- Contribution to the national effort of scientific research and technological development.

- Promotion and dissemination of national culture.

- Participation in supporting national scientific capacities.

- Valuation of research results and dissemination of scientific and technical media.

- Participation within the international scientific and cultural community in the exchange and enrichment of knowledge